black and white portrait of dark haired man in black coat leaning against bridge railing feeling his eyes dry

The Silent Suffering of Dry Eye Disease: How to Find Relief

Many people around the world are living with dry eyes without knowing that they have dry eye syndrome. Find out why this condition often goes unnoticed.
18 marzo 2024
Man with dark hair rubbing his eyes after taking off his eyeglasses before his computer

6 señales de advertencia de ojo seco severo que debes conocer

El ojo seco severo puede ser desagradable e interferir con la vida cotidiana. Pero se puede controlar con tratamiento. Descubra los primeros signos de ojo seco severo.
20 noviembre 2023
woman in white sweater with glasses and headphones working on laptop while reclining on yellow and green pillows

Ojos secos vs. Fatiga ocular: comprender las diferencias

Los ojos secos y la fatiga visual comparten algunas similitudes, pero las dos condiciones son diferentes. Siga leyendo para descubrir las diferencias entre ojos secos y fatiga visual.
28 agosto 2023