There are more than 258,000 studies on Blueberries.
And we’re constantly reviewing new research to understand the full extent of the superfood’s health benefits.
Blueberries are one of the ingredients in our Blueberry Gummies!
Tannins, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E , Vitamin B6, Manganese, Potassium, Phenolic acids , Fiber, Copper, Anthocyanins, Quercetin, Myricetin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Beta-carotene
✅ Anthocyanins help protect the retina from oxidative stress like light and pollution.
✅ Flavonoids such as Anthocyanins and Quercetin keep the eye’s blood vessels healthy and support blood circulation in eye capillaries.
✅ Blueberries may decrease the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
✅ Blueberries slow down the rate at which glucose enters the bloodstream, which can help with diabetic retinopathy.
✅ Blueberries can help manage glaucoma by enhancing ocular blood flow and visual field defects.
✅ Anthocyanins may reduce eye fatigue and coular inflammation by improving contrast sensitivity.
✅ The Vitamin C in blueberries protects your eyes from free radicals and is needed to create protein collagen.
✅ Blueberries may reduce blood pressure, help preserve memory and brain function, speed up muscle recovery, and prevent heart disease.
✅ Blueberries may have anti-cancer properties.
✅ Blueberries can promote bone health and digestive health.
We use the very best of natural superfood ingredients to bring a full spectrum of nutrition to empower the human vision system and promote vision wellness. All of our ingredients are supported by a substantial body of research. Some relevant studies are listed below.
Blueberries can booster collagen structure in the retina and provide extra vision protection through its antioxidant mechanisms. Therefore, blueberries can reduce oxidative stress, making it a perfect treatment superfood for dry eye disease.
The risk of some chronic diseases such as cataracts may be lower at higher dietary flavonoid intakes. Anthocyanins and Quercetin are flavonoids.
Blueberries can improve retinal abnormalities, increase capillary resistance, slow the progression of lens opacity and myopia, and improve dark adaptation.
Studies have shown that blueberries can protect against photooxidation of pyridinium disretinoid A2E, an autofluorescence pigment that damages specific cells in the eye.
Blueberry Anthocyanins promote physiological renewal and homeostasis on cultured corneal limbal epithelial cells, and can reduce symptoms of asthenopia and contrast sensitivity.
Anthocyanins have multiple benefits for vision health due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms that act as restorative molecules for the development of nutraceuticals to prevent damage to the blood vessels of the light-sensitive tissue in the retina.
A study on patients suffering from glaucoma found that a daily intake of 50 mg of anthocyanin from black currants for 6 months improved ocular blood flow and visual field defects.
And we’re constantly reviewing new research to understand the full extent of the superfood’s health benefits.
Blueberries are one of the ingredients in our Blueberry Gummies!