What’s in the Superfood Wellness Tea?
Are you eating enough antioxidants and key nutrients to stay healthy? In the digital age, eating a healthy, balanced diet with enough nutrients can be challenging.
In a previous post, we saw how nutrients can help with weight loss and metabolism. If you’re not taking in enough quality nutrients, you may be at higher risk of weight gain and obesity. Your risk of developing serious diseases, including eye conditions like chronic dry eyes, also increases.
Getting enough essential nutrients becomes easier with the Superfood Wellness Tea from Sightsage.
Our wellness tea provides antioxidants and other phytochemicals essential for health that are often missing from the Western Pattern Diet.
It also contains a careful selection of foods good for eyesight that makes it a powerful eye health supplement.
So, What Exactly Is in the Superfood Wellness Tea?
Like most people, you’re probably tired of miraculous tea and weight loss stories. This is not going to be one of them.
Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients inside our wellness tea and their scientifically proven health benefits. We’ll also look at how this tea can support eye health care.
Blueberries are one of the richest sources of anthocyanins and other powerful antioxidants that protect your body and eyes from free radicals.
Free radicals occur as a result of natural cellular processes and environmental factors. They are responsible for ageing and can lead to many eye health problems.
Blueberries can support a healthy retina. Studies have associated regular blueberry consumption with a lower risk of cataracts and a lower risk of macular degeneration in women.
What’s more, an animal study from the University of Michigan suggests that blueberries may help reduce belly fat and the risk of diabetes.
In the study, overweight rats fed crushed blueberry powder had lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and could better process glucose.
Find out more: We’ve devoted an entire post to the health benefits of blueberries for your eyes and body. Check it out.
Blackberries are another important source of anthocyanins and eye health antioxidants. High in fiber and low in sugar, they can also help you control your weight more easily.
A 2018 study on overweight and obese males fed a high-fat diet found that a high daily intake of blackberries increased fat oxidation.
Blackberries can sometimes be hard to find in local stores. They often also have a short expiration date.
But you can enjoy the health benefits of freeze-dried blackberries with every cup of Superfoods Wellness Tea you drink.
Raspberries support visual health. These delicious fruits have flavonoids and lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids that occur in the retina of the eye.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are two of the most essential nutrients for eye health. Studies show that zeaxanthin can absorb harmful blue light and reduce the concentration of free radicals.
Lutein, meanwhile, can lower the risk of cataracts, help prevent diabetic retinopathy, and reduce the dryness associated with dry eye disease.
Raspberries can also help with weight loss. An Ehime University study suggests that an aroma compound in these fruits, known as raspberry ketone, can burn visceral fat.
Visceral fat gets stored deep inside the body, around the liver, intestines, and other organs. It's a risk factor for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.
Carrots have vitamin A, which helps support night vision and a healthy tear film. Without enough vitamin A, you may experience dry eyes.
Carrots also have lutein, which as we’ve seen, can protect your eyes from the harmful effects of free radicals and the eye diseases these can trigger.
What’s more, research has associated frequent carrot consumption with a lower body mass index.
The bottom line is that carrots are one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat.
Chinese Wolfberry
Closely related to goji berries, Chinese wolfberries are a superfood with health benefits backed by science.
Chinese wolfberries pack many antioxidants including lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin A, and amino acids.
Animal studies show that Chinese wolfberries help protect against age-related macular degeneration by improving the macular density of pigments in the retina.
These delicious red berries have a host of other benefits, including helping to manage blood sugar levels and high blood pressure, protecting the brain, boosting energy and mood, and promoting skin health.
Goji berries can also help with weight reduction and control. A 2020 study found that goji berries helped reduce fat mass and visceral fat.
Good to know: Sometimes the name goji berries and Chinese wolfberries are used interchangeably to refer to the same small red berries with potent health benefits. Read more about the health benefits of goji berries.
Green, Red, and Purple Grapes
Grapes are high in nutrients and antioxidants. Polyphenols in grapes help decrease cholesterol absorption, according to a 2019 study. Other bioactive molecules in grapes, like quercetin and resveratrol, protect against high blood sugar and heart disease.
Resveratrol may protect against eye diseases including cataracts, glaucoma, and eye conditions resulting from diabetes.
It can also help your body metabolize fatty acids and boosts your energy levels, according to a study published in 2019. Through its effects on metabolism, resveratrol can support weight loss.
What’s more, grapes are a source of lutein, zeaxanthin, and other antioxidants that safeguard the eyes from free radicals and degenerative diseases.
Different grape varieties have different antioxidant ratios. For example, purple grapes have more anthocyanins than lighter varieties.
The Superfood Wellness Tea from Sightsage combines freeze-dried green, red, and purple grapes for optimal health benefits.
You know the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” We couldn’t have left apples out of our Superfood Wellness Tea formulation.
Apples are known for their antioxidants, which protect the body, including the eyes, from the harmful effects of free radicals. But apples can also help with weight loss.
A review of studies on apples found that polyphenols and dietary fiber in apples have anti-obesity effects. Several animal and human experiments have found that a regular intake of apples can cause weight loss in as little as 3 to 4 weeks.
Celery is a great example of a vegetable with significant health benefits that, unless you cook most of your meals, is not always easy to integrate into your diet.
Celery has more than 12 varieties of antioxidants. According to a 2019 review of the benefits of celery, these antioxidants can lower cholesterol, decrease inflammation, protect against oxidative stress, and help prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Also through the effects of these antioxidants, which include lutein and zeaxanthin, celery can safeguard your vision against UV damage and other degenerative diseases.
Perilla Leaf
Perilla leaf is commonly used in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese cuisine. It’s also used as a medicinal plant.
Studies on mice following a high-fat diet found that polyphenols in purple perilla, such as rosmarinic acid, lowered lipids in adipocyte cells and prevented weight gain.
An earlier study, also on mice, found that perilla leaf extract significantly decreased body weight gain and liver fat while also lowering bad cholesterol levels.
The anti-obesity effects of perilla leaf are not the only health benefits of this plant. A 2018 study suggests that a freeze-dried perilla leaf extract can relax the ciliary muscles to reduce eye fatigue.
Whether you consider it a fruit (as botanists do) or a vegetable (as nutritionists), the humble tomato brings a healthy dose of nutrients including the compounds lycopene and beta carotene.
A 2006 randomized controlled trial associated lycopene with lower inflammation and oxidative stress. Inflammation and oxidative stress have been linked to dry eyes and other common eye diseases, diabetes, depression, and even weight gain.
A more recent study found that young women who drank tomato juice daily had a lower waist circumference. They also had lower serum cholesterol. Researchers believe these results are due to the phytochemical lycopene in tomatoes.
Chinese Yam
The tuberous roots of a vine, Chinese yams have long been used by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Chinese yams are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that can keep your eyes healthy. What’s more, a 2019 study found that Chinese yam supplementation improved intestinal microflora after antibiotic use.
An imbalance of microbes in the intestines can lead to weight gain, high cholesterol levels, and other conditions. A 2020 study suggests that these imbalances may even impact dry eye syndrome and other eye disorders.
Pie aside, pumpkin is another food that doesn’t often make it into most people’s daily meals. And that’s a pity.
Pumpkin is a rich source of beta carotene and alpha carotene, which the body turns into vitamin A. Vitamin A plays an essential role in eye health.
Beta carotene is one of the nutrients that help keep your vision sharp, according to a 2020 review study. This nutrient also supports metabolic health including blood sugar management and body fat distribution.
Pumpkin also has lutein and zeaxanthin, which are associated with a lower risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.
Jujube fruits, or Chinese dates, are more than a sweet and chewy treat. They have powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids and polysaccharides that protect your body from free radicals.
Jujube may also boost memory, decrease anxiety, and improve sleep quality.
A study on animals published in 2019 found that dried jujube and chokeberry fruit powder reduced weight gain and abdominal weight in mice fed a high-fat and high-fructose diet.
The fruits also reduced total cholesterol and improved insulin resistance.
Turmeric is one of the world’s best-known superfoods. You may be familiar with it as a spice in Indian dishes. But taking it as a part of a wellness tea is another way to enjoy its health benefits.
Research from 2019 suggests that curcumin, an active compound in turmeric, can help treat cataracts, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, and dry eye syndrome.

Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that can protect your body from damage induced by free radicals. This compound may even suppress the growth of fat tissues, according to a 2009 study.
Dogwood Berry
Dogwood berries are the tart red fruits of the Dogwood tree. Like other berries, they have antioxidants, including flavonoids, tannins, anthocyanins, and phenolic acids.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, they have been used to increase energy levels and treat eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts.
More than their antioxidant effect, dogwood berries may have weight loss benefits such as decreasing waist circumference. Animal studies suggest they may also have anti-diabetic properties.
Black Bean
You may eat pinto beans or red kidney beans more often, but black beans are a nutritional powerhouse.
A trend running through most of the ingredients in the Superfood Wellness Tea is a high antioxidant count. Black beans are no exception.
Black beans have flavonoids such as quercetin and catechins. They also have polyphenols, especially anthocyanins. They have more anthocyanins than other bean varieties.
Studies show that anthocyanins support carbohydrate digestion and boost insulin sensitivity, leading to lower blood sugar levels.
Anthocyanins and the other antioxidants in black beans also help protect your eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration.
Black Sesame
Research from 2011 indicates that black sesame reduces biomarkers of oxidative stress. Other studies suggest that black sesame reduces blood pressure.
Black sesame is also one of the foods good for eyes. It has fatty acids that play an important role in the formation of the oily component of the tear film.
Sesame oil is also known for its ability to block harmful ultraviolet light rays. Over time, this type of radiation can increase the risk of macular degeneration and other eye diseases.
Leafy greens have lutein, zeaxanthin, and antioxidants that give your eyes an important nutrient boost. Of all leafy greens, kale is one of the densest in nutrients.
Kale has beta carotene, antioxidants like quercetin, and bile acid sequestrants that reduce bad cholesterol while improving good cholesterol.
As one of the richest known sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, kale is a great food for vision health.
Spinach is another leafy green we couldn't have left out of our wellness tea. It has beta carotene, which the body turns to vitamin A, an essential vitamin for eye health.
It's also one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin. A 2014 review of several studies found that lutein and zeaxanthin can even reverse damage caused by age-related macular degeneration, helping to improve visual function.
Spinach is packed with quercetin and kaempferol, antioxidants that protect your body from inflammation and cardiovascular disease.
A 2019 clinical trial found that a moderate intake of spinach protected participants against oxidative DNA damage. Caused by free radicals, this type of damage can affect all organs of the body, including the eyes.
Broccoli needs no introduction. It’s widely regarded as one of the world’s healthiest foods. But what exactly makes it a great addition to our Superfood Wellness Tea?
Broccoli has bioactive compounds such as kaempferol, which has anti-inflammatory benefits.
Broccoli is also a source of the macular pigments lutein and zeaxanthin that your eyes need to stay healthy.
Sulforaphane, one of the bioactive compounds in this vegetable, may even slow down the aging process.
Broccoli can also help protect your skin from UV damage, support oral health, and keep your bones strong. It can even help your body resist the mental decline that comes with age.
White Radish
Also known as Daikon, white radish is frequently used in Chinese cuisine. Like many other ingredients in the Superfood Wellness Tea, it’s also valued for its medicinal properties.
White radishes have plant compounds like quercetin and ferulic acid. These have anti-inflammatory properties and can boost the immune system.
A non-starchy, high-fiber vegetable, white radish may promote weight loss by reducing hunger and body fat. And like other cruciferous vegetables, it can ward off chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes and possibly add years to your life.
Add to that the catechins, pyrogallol, and other antioxidants in white radishes, and white radish is an important ingredient in our eye health formulation.
Beets are known for having betalains, compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation has been associated with obesity and many other diseases, including eye diseases.
Nitrates in beets help enhance physical performance, making it easier for the mitochondria in cells to produce energy. They improve blood flow to the brain, supporting brain health.
A 2018 study found that a high dietary intake of nitrates may reduce the incidence of age-related macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of vision loss.
Cucumber is a powerful source of antioxidants whose protective effects on the eyes and body we've already highlighted. A 30-day randomized controlled trial found that cucumber powder significantly improved antioxidant activity.
Through their antioxidant activity, the flavonoids and tannins in cucumber help reduce the risk of chronic disease. They also enable your body, including your eyes, to better cope with the effects of everyday pollution.
Cucumbers may also help lower and control blood sugar levels. High blood sugar is a risk factor for diabetes complications that can cause vision loss, such as diabetic retinopathy.
Dandelion usually passes for a weed, but it has lutein and zeaxanthin. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
Research from 2010 shows that dandelion has hypolipidemic properties, lowering cholesterol, a common problem for overweight people.
Put together, dandelion’s effects make it a useful ingredient in both eye health and weight loss teas.
Mulberries are yet another type of berry with notable health benefits. More than anthocyanins, mulberries have rutin, which may protect against heart disease and diabetes. They also have myricetin, which may ward off certain cancers.
Mulberries can lower cholesterol and support blood sugar control. If you want to lose weight healthily without the risk of high cholesterol or high blood sugar, mulberries come in handy.
Hawthorn Fruit
The red berry of the hawthorn shrub has polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that can protect all organs of your body from cellular damage.
Also, the anti-inflammatory benefits of hawthorn make this fruit good for inflammatory eye conditions. Other studies suggest hawthorn can lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
This helps with preventing diabetic retinopathy and other eye complications triggered by chronic diseases.
Oranges are a great source of vitamin C. Everyone knows that. But there’s more to them than their vitamin C content.
Oranges have phenolic compounds, especially naringenin and hesperidin. These antioxidants reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and boost immunity.
Oranges also have carotenoids, which play an important role in eye health. What’s more, a study published in 2020 found that a molecule in oranges can reduce obesity.
Full Spectrum Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle
All the plants, fruits, and vegetables in the Superfood Wellness Tea are freeze-dried. Freeze-drying preserves the heat-sensitive nutrients and active compounds in foods and plants while extending their shelf life.
Bringing together 30 superfoods, the Superfood Wellness Tea provides your body with essential antioxidants, phytochemicals, and other nutrients you need to stay healthy and feel great. It’s easy to make and tastes great.

Our wellness tea was formulated to boost your energy and metabolism while promoting weight loss and vision health.
If you’ve been looking for healthy tea ideas for weight loss that can also boost your health, its mix of ingredients makes it just right for you.
Try now the Superfood Wellness Tea.