What Time Do You Wake Up? Before or After 5 AM?
If you’re like many people, getting up at 5am isn't much fun. But you may want to at least reconsider your wakeup time.
Waking up at 5 am may seem extreme and, depending on your job and life situation, may not be easy. But it could have notable benefits.
Read on to find out more about 5 am as a wakeup time including the scientific benefits of waking up at 5am. We’ll also consider the pros and cons of waking up at 5 am.
Benefits of Waking Up at 5 AM
Waking up early could be good for your overall health, support vision health, and help you tackle the day’s tasks with more energy. Let’s take a closer look at the scientific benefits of waking up at 5am.
Could improve the quality of your sleep
Waking up early makes it easier to go to bed early, around 9 pm if you are to catch the minimum 7 hours of sleep healthy adults need. That can ensure you get enough sleep every night and can improve the quality of your sleep.
Can support vision health
A study on myopic children suggests that an early bedtime and, by implication, an early wake-up, can reduce the risk of myopia.
Myopia is one of the biggest threats to vision loss in the 21st century due to complications like myopic macular degeneration and glaucoma.
Gives you more time for yourself
Waking up early can give you more quality time for yourself. The early morning hours are quiet, and the risk of interruptions is usually low.
You can use this time to work out, meditate, read, or take your time preparing a healthy breakfast.
Helps you tackle the day’s tasks with more energy
It could take your body an hour or more to shake off sleep inertia, or the feeling of morning grogginess and cognitive impairment that often occurs after waking.
Waking up early can get you ready for mental work earlier in the day, allowing you to tackle the day’s tasks with clarity and sharpness.
Waking Up at 5 AM Every Day According to the Chinese Body Clock
Five in the morning is also a good time to wake up according to the ancient Chinese body clock. A concept from Traditional Chinese Medicine, this body clock encourages you to align your daily activities with the times when your organs function at their peak.
More specifically, 5 am to 7 am is the time when the large intestine begins its activity. It’s a good time to eliminate the function of the intestine, meditate, and do yoga or light stretches.
Some modern researchers have noted that Traditional Chinese Medicine offers a “comprehensive and thorough understanding” of biological rhythms.
The Chinese body clock could inspire you to wake up earlier and better align your schedule with the cycle of sunlight.
How to Get Up Early in the Morning
Waking up at 5 pm everyday for a week is a good way to figure out whether this wakeup time works for you. It may seem dreadfully hard, but it doesn’t have to be.
Here are some tips to help you wake up early in the morning.
- Create a sleep routine. Figure out what time you want to get up and what time you want to go to bed. If you want to wake up at 5 am, make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
- Go to bed early. To get enough sleep with an early wakeup, you need to go to bed early. With a 5 am wakeup, that could mean a bedtime as early as 9 pm.
- Don’t eat a late dinner. Avoid indigestion and heartburn that can disrupt your sleep by eating dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed.
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol during the day. These can make it harder to fall asleep. Avoid drinking coffee, caffeinated drinks, or eating food in the second half of the day.
- Don’t nap during the day. Even a quick nap can delay your bedtime. If you feel you need to catch up on sleep, do it by going to bed early.
- Exercise during the day. Getting in the recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week can improve your sleep quality. What’s more, good sleep can improve exercise performance.
- Spend time outdoors. Sunlight helps regulate your circadian rhythm. When you go to sleep make sure to leave the curtains drawn to let enough light in after sunrise.
Tip: If you found these tips useful, you may also want to check our post on How to Sleep Better at Night: Sleep Hygiene Tips.

“I Can't Wake Up Early!”
If you’re finding it hard to wake up early, it’s likely because you go to bed late, don’t spent enough time in the sun, or don’t exercise. Eating late meals can also disrupt your body clock.
However, if you develop a healthy sleep routine and follow the tips above and you still can’t wake up early, don’t be too hard on yourself.
Some people seem to be genetically predisposed to be night owls. For example, a 2020 study found that a gene mutation can cause people to stay up late and sleep late.
As you try to go to bed early and wake up early, listen to what your body says. You should feel refreshed and recharged. Pay attention also to how your eyes feel.
Remember too that diet plays a key role in eye health. Your eyes need lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins A, C, E and other nutrients and antioxidants to stay healthy. Not getting enough of these through your diet could affect your eyes.

A natural eye health supplement like SightC can help nourish your eyes. A superfood blend packed into easy-to-take capsules, SightC supports vision in the digital age.
Learn more about SightC.