There is a lot of conversation around the topics of Blue light, the light that emanates from our digital devices. The display screens of our smartphones, computers, tablets and other devices emit significant amounts of blue light, however, the HEV light (High Energy Visible Light) which has a number of negative biological effects on the eye and is primarily emitted from the sun, is only about a fraction of that emitted from the sun. What the exact fraction is, is inconclusive and depends on the research study you are reading.
A lot of people claim that blue light can lead to eye disease and have countless solutions and products for you to buy to protect yourself from the blue light of your devices. However, the symptoms of dry eye disease and other problems grouped under “Digital Eye Strain” and “Computer Vision Syndrome” are mainly caused by how we use our devices.
When we are staring at our screens, we blink less…about 50% less. On average, humans blink about 15 times per minute. This is known as our “Blink Rate” which is significantly impacted by the wide-eyed focus we give to our screens. When we blink less, our eye is less lubricated, causing our eyes to become dry, itchy, red and of course fatigued.
When our eyes are tired, we need to blink, take a break and replenish them with the proper nutrients.
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